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Industrial Services

Projects Services

  • Fire Protection Systems – Pipeline, Coating, Insulation, Sprinkle System.
  • Electrical – Low Voltage, Voice & Data, Lighting . Security /Alarm, Transmission & Distribution, High Voltage.



Spray cooling system for process cooling.​

There is process requirement to extract heat from process, same was extracted using Refrigeration Chillers.
While working for cost optimised solution, We provided them with spray cooling system.
System is working on cooling through evaporation principle, where water droplets are converted into a
stream of tiny particles and same are bombarded on material to be cooled. We get a Delta T 0f 60 Deg.
Difference in COP is 18 Times and operational cost is reduced by 80%.
Our expert providing same for different application in different industries

Flash Steam Recovery System.​

While working with a Tire manufacturing company, we come across the wastage happening through flash steam. Client tried to recover the same by increasing back pressure as well  as with Thermo-compressor, But resulted in process issues  and left the project. Our Team analysed the same and tried to workout with
innovative solution. One of our associate working in energy  field since 20 Years, suggested a specific solution, which  resulted in a great success. We termed it as flash steam  recovery system and implement 4 systems in same company  Company is enjoying 10% saving in there fuel consumption.  This can we worked out for different industries, with different flow rates and different sizes.

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